The Clapham Association (CA) (previously Clapham Development Association) originally came about from a group of local businesses working together for the betterment of Clapham.

Over time, while still promoting local businesses through this website and leaflets, it has increasingly focused more towards the needs of Clapham as a community. This includes the Neighbourhood plan, welcoming new residents, the school and environment.

Clapham Development Leaflet 1990
First CDA Clapham village leaflet, 1990s

Everybody is invited to help out in any way they feel appropriate or capable of, whether that’s through any of the items listed above, IT support on this website or the use of social media.

If you are interested, we have 4 meetings a year, the venue moves around Clapham. The date and venue will be posted on the website events calendar.

If you would like to find out more about the group or how to use the website and calendar, please contact either Edward Sexton at Glencroft, or Diane dianeelphinstone

Business listings
If you would like your business to appear on the website, or if you would like your event to be publicised, then speak directly to Diane or visit Edward at Glencroft, it costs just £20 a year for a business in the parish to appear on the website.

Village calendar
The CA also provides the shared event calendar that appears on this and the village shop website. contributed to by many different people in the area. If you’d like to add an ad-hoc or regular event please get in touch. The more events that are listed, the less likelihood of events clashing with something similar, so diluting support on the day.

Conservation group
Ken Pearce heads up a conservation group that tidies up the village, by controlling the growth of various shrubs at the waterfall and along the beck, as well as regular litterpicks. The CA tries to plug the gap between what the Parish Council and Ingleborough Estate do with regard to maintenance work in Clapham.

Map boards
Map boards have been installed around the village in 2023, helping visitors find their way and identify all the local landmarks and businesses.