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St. James’ Church
Church of England
Church Avenue, Clapham, LA2 8DU

Bethel Chapel
Cross Haw Lane, Clapham, LA2 8DZ


The nearest local schools are in Austwick, Ingleton and Settle.

The old Clapham school was built by the Farrer family and operated from 1864 to 2020.

Cave Rescue Organisation

Cave and Mountain Rescue in parts of Cumbria, Lancashire and the Yorkshire Dales.
[In an emergency call the police on 999 and then ask for Mountain or Cave Rescue]


There are three emergency defribillators in Clapham.
1. Bottom (South end) of Church Avenue, outside the Cave Rescue Organisation (next to the New Inn pub)
2. Top (North end) of Riverside, outside the Sawmill Cafe, opposite the waterfall
3. At Clapham (North Yorkshire) Train Station

Recreation Ground

Visit the playpark on Church Avenue for a range of activities for children. Featuring an adventure playground with climbing frame, swings, slides, a football pitch and plenty of space. There is also a tennis court for hire at the back of the car park.

Post Office and Postbox

There is a postbox outside the village shop.
The nearest Post Office is Crossleigh Stores in Austwick (2 miles).

Notice Board

There is a village notice board outside Clapham Village Store on Main Street, and another one over the road on the side of the old post office and now Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust office.

Car Park and Public Toilets

Clapham Car Park, just off Church Avenue, LA2 8EA

Clapham Millenium Stone
Clapham Millenium Stone

The car park is pay and display, with the money going to help look after the Yorkshire Dales National Park (YDNP). Weekly and annual tickets are available from National Park Centres (nearest: Malham). More information via the YDNP website.

Public toilets are available on the right as you enter the car park.

You will also find the Clapham Millenium Stone in the middle of the car park, and the tennis court available for hire at the back.

Please park responsibly with consideration for local residents and businesses.